Graduate Certificate in Not-for-Profit and Social Enterprise Management

University of Technology Sydney (UTS)

نوع المؤسسة: الجامعة/مؤسسة التعليم العالي
مستوى: الدراسات العليا
CRICOS: 00099F

The Graduate Certificate in Not-for-Profit and Social Enterprise provides an introduction to social entrepreneurship and social innovation and develops skills and knowledge in the areas of financial management and funding. This course offers key insights into social entrepreneurship and social innovation as drivers of not-for-profit, community-oriented enterprises. The course is industry-relevant and flexible study modes are typically offered. This course provides managerial skills for individuals seeking to work in the vast and complex areas of social innovation and entrepreneurship as they relate to not-for-profit enterprises. Career options include managing non-government or non-for-profit organisations, policy-makers, senior managers, and chief executives of social economy, community, public and/or third sector organisations.

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