Associate Degree of Engineering

University of Southern Queensland (USQ)

نوع المؤسسة: الجامعة/مؤسسة التعليم العالي
مستوى: درجة ما قبل
CRICOS: 00244B

Start up your career in the engineering industry or set a stepping stone for further study. Gain industry driven knowledge and skills to apply practical analysis and technical principles to your area of specialisation. When you graduate with your Associate Degree, you’ll be able to apply for provisional accreditation with Engineers Australia. Apply for membership after you graduate to become an Engineering Associate (Officer) and with the experience you will gain from working in the field, you can apply for chartered status as an Engineering Officer. Choose to specialise in 1 of 6 different areas of engineering with USQ being the only uni in Australia and New Zealand to offer a qualification in Agricultural Engineering.

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