Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours)

Monash University

نوع المؤسسة: الجامعة/مؤسسة التعليم العالي
مستوى: المرحلة الجامعية
CRICOS: 00008C

Advance your Contemporary Fine Art or Curatorial PracticeThe Monash Bachelor of Fine Art Honours degree offers a highly focused environment for artists and curators who want the opportunity to undertake independent research in Studio Practice or Art History and Theory.This honours program will challenge and develop your material, visual, conceptual and theoretical skills within a critically engaged and supportive environment. You will graduate as a practitioner informed in a particular area of expertise and its context in the wider field of contemporary arts. The Monash Bachelor of Fine Art Honours degree will develop your practice and research skills for a career in the contemporary arts and/or Higher Degree research.

معلومات عن الدراسة

الحرم الجامعيالرسوممدخّلة منتصف العامالحضور
Caulfield International: $35,900 No
  • Full-time : 1 year

دورات ذات صلة

تصفح المزيد من الدورات
هل المعلومات الواردة في هذه الصفحة صحيحة؟ طلب التحديث
استفسر عن هذه الدورة

هل أنت حاليا في أستراليا؟

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