Bachelor of Software Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)

جامعة تورينس أستراليا

نوع المؤسسة: الجامعة/مؤسسة التعليم العالي
مستوى: المرحلة الجامعية
CRICOS: 03389E

A Bachelor of Software Engineering (Artificial Intelligence) provides the technical abilities and core soft skills required for a career in AI. You’ll cover topics including machine learning, computer vision and speech recognition, as well as concepts like future thinking and market insights. You’ll build a suite of skills and experience that will prepare you for a career as an AI-expert developer. This course offers a range of technical subjects with a focus on the major areas of AI – from natural language processing to robotics. You’ll identify and solve complex artificial intelligence software engineering problems and develop skills that are increasingly the mainstay of software engineering. The course is founded on strong traditional and cutting-edge software engineering know-how, such as programming, maths and statistical knowledge, as well as ethics, social responsibility and cognitive psychology. Working in teams, you’ll develop collaboration, negotiation and research skills that you’ll take with you to the professional environment.

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