Graduate Certificate in Commercialisation

University of Technology Sydney (UTS)

نوع المؤسسة: الجامعة/مؤسسة التعليم العالي
مستوى: الدراسات العليا
CRICOS: 00099F

This course is one of three graduate certificates in the Master of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship. It is aimed at students who need commercial skills and knowledge in the areas of accounting, finance, statistics and sales and marketing to help develop their business ideas. It also includes a capstone subject, Innovative Commercialisation Project, which brings together these commercial skills by helping students work through a practical case study of an entrepreneurial venture. Students with business ideas who want to develop their entrepreneurial skills and knowledge, and those who want to understand the processes of commercialisation benefit from studying this course. Students have access to non-award-based seminars and events with entrepreneurs and other relevant industry practitioners which provide reality and rigour to supplement their classroom study. The course suits students from business and non-business backgrounds who are interested in entrepreneurship and developing their own business ideas, corporate innovation executives wanting to upgrade their skills and knowledge, and current entrepreneurs who require specific skills and knowledge in entrepreneurship.

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