Bachelor of Theology / Bachelor of Global Studies

Australian Catholic University (ACU)

نوع المؤسسة: الجامعة/مؤسسة التعليم العالي
مستوى: المرحلة الجامعية
CRICOS: 00004G

This double degree is an opportunity to explore questions of knowledge, identity and the significance of faith, while learning about different societies and cultures as you consider the challenges of global disruption. As part of your theology studies, you will grow your understanding of the Catholic theological tradition with an ecumenical and inter-faith perspective, as well as its relationship to other traditions. This degree is also an opportunity to develop a global perspective and you

معلومات عن الدراسة

الحرم الجامعيالرسوممدخّلة منتصف العامالحضور
Brisbane (McAuley at Banyo) International: $102,272 Yes
  • Full-time : 4 years
  • Part-time : 8 years
Melbourne (St Patrick's) International: $102,272 Yes
  • Full-time : 4 years
  • Part-time : 8 years
Strathfield (Mount Saint Mary) International: $102,272 Yes
  • Full-time : 4 years
  • Part-time : 8 years

دورات ذات صلة

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استفسر عن هذه الدورة

هل أنت حاليا في أستراليا؟

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