Diploma in Languages (GSHSS)

جامعة ملبورن

نوع المؤسسة: الجامعة/مؤسسة التعليم العالي
مستوى: درجة ما قبل
CRICOS: 00116K

The Diploma in Languages is one of five concurrent diplomas offered to students enrolled in a bachelor degree at the University of Melbourne. There are 12 languages available to study. In your graduate course, the Diploma in Languages is the only concurrent diploma that you can apply for.Learn a language by studying the Diploma in Languages alongside your degree at the University of Melbourne. The Diploma in Languages can be taken by students without previous language training, or by those seeking to develop existing language skills.Studying a language through the Diploma in Languages enables you to focus on your desired field of study without missing out on the opportunity to improve your competitiveness in the international career market with a language qualification.

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