Bachelor of Archaeology

جامعة ماكواري

نوع المؤسسة: الجامعة/مؤسسة التعليم العالي
مستوى: المرحلة الجامعية
CRICOS: 00002J

Archaeology is the scientific excavation and study of ancient human material remains for the purpose of learning about the culture and society of people who lived in the past. It can involve examining artefacts, buildings, graves, inscriptions, tools and other objects. To help them fathom what can appear to be a giant jigsaw puzzle, archaeologists use many new interpretive approaches and recovery techniques, as well as traditional tools and contemporary technologies such as satellite imagery.In the Bachelor of Archaeology, you’ll explore theories and trends that have shaped the history of archaeology, and undertake study in laboratories and out in the field. You’ll develop key research skills to identify and solve complex archaeological problems, and you’ll be able to show awareness and respect for contemporary cultural perspectives and cultural heritage practices.

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